Chemistry 597A: Nanoscience
Fall 2002

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 230-320 PM, in 358 Willard.

Prerequisites: Chemistry 451 and 452 or equivalents.
Class url: (check for frequent updates)
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Current Science Seminars


Professor Mary Beth Williams
Office: 204 Chandlee
Phone: (814) 865-8859
Instant Messenger: nbkybtst32
Office Hours: By appointment or AIM
Send e-mail to Prof. Williams

Secretary: Amy Luzier, 224 Chandlee, (814) 865-4041

Professor Paul S. Weiss
Office: 407 Davey Laboratory
Phone: (814) 865-3693
Instant Messenger: PSWeiss
Office Hours: By appointment or AIM
Send e-mail to Prof. Weiss

Staff assistant: Stephen Bumbarger, 415 Davey Laboratory, (814) 865-7817,, Catsman4 (AIM)

We also have excellent guest lecturers planned.

Learning in Chem 597A

There is a tremendous amount to learn in this new field and in this new course. Several scientific communities are part of nanoscience and speak largely in different languages. These fields include chemistry, physics, biology, computer science, neuroscience, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and bioengineering. Our goal is to give you enough background (and language training) to understand current research in these areas through talks and papers. This will require a great deal of work on your part.

Anticipate that the lectures, the readings, and the homeworks will be complementary rather than overlapping. You will be responsible for the material from all of these sources. Similarly, your participation in class is required both for discussions and for the education of your classmates and professors. There is nothing that we plan to say that is so critical that a good classroom discussion would not be preferable.

This is a very dynamic subject with rapidly changing perspectives and many advances. You will learn about these by pointers to the current literature and by taking advantage of the many seminars in this field available at Penn State throughout the semester and beyond. You should plan to stay current in the literature as there are weekly, if not daily, advances. (There are a number of ways to access current advances.)


We have not found an adequate text for this course yet. Instead, we will use selected papers and work from the current (and future) literature.

Some Nanotechnology Sites of Interest

Selected groups at Penn State

Research in Prof. Williams' group.
Research in Prof. Weiss' group.
Research in Prof. Allara's group.
Research in Prof. Castleman's group.
Research in Prof. Crespi's group.
Research in Prof. Eklund's group.
Penn State Nanofab.
Research in Prof. Jackson's group.
Research in Prof. Keating's group.
Research in Prof. Mallouk's group.
Research in Prof. Mayer's group.

Selected groups elsewhere

MITRE Nanosystems Group.
Research in Chad Mirkin's group at Northwestern University.
US National Nanotechnology Initiative.
Research in Prof. James Tour's Group at Rice University.

Current Science Seminars

Class Topics and Readings

These topics and assignments are subject to change, and you should check back regularly (be sure to hit Reload on your browser). We will try to indicate changes for you.

During the semester we will cover:
Electronic, optical, and magnetic properties of nanostructures -- Molecules to quantum dots to coupled nanostructures
Self- and directed assembly
Bottom up vs. top down
Molecular electronics
Molecular motors
Nanotubes, nanowires, and nanodevices
Nanoscale analyses: scanning probes, electron microscopies, spectroscopies, electrochemical methods
Connecting to the outside world

Wednesday 28 August 2002 Class (Weiss & Williams)

Class Introduction
Introduction to nanoscience: Fundamental concepts

Friday 30 August 2002 (Weiss)

Introduction to nanoscience: Solid and surface spectroscopy

Monday 2 September 2002

Labor Day - no class.

Wednesday 4 September 2002 Class (Weiss)

Nanolithography I: Electrons, Ions, & Photons

Alkaisi, Maan M.; Blaikie, Richard J.; McNab, Sharee J. Nanolithography in the evanescent near-field. Advanced Materials (2001), 13(12-13), 877-887.

Friday 6 September 2002 Class

In lieu of class, please attend Dr. Debra Rolison's lecture in 117 HUB at 230 PM.

Monday 9 September 2002 Class (Weiss)
Self-assembly I: Monolayers
& Student presentations

Ulman, Abraham. Formation and Structure of Self-Assembled Monolayers. Chemical Reviews (1996), 96(4), 1533-1554.

Homework #1 Due: 2-3 page report on a paper on nanoscience published in 2001 or 2002 (or to be published in 2003). The paper can be found in Science, Nature, Physical Review Letters, Journal of the American Chemical Society, or Nano Letters. Another journal can only be used if your article is specifically approved by one of the instructors. Keep in mind the science/instrumental/clutter issue discussed in class.
Describe the techniques used and experimental conditions.
See a more complete description of the paper requirements.

Prepare a single transparency on the subject covered to introduce it to the class. Four students will be called upon to present this and each subsequent assignment. Bring this viewgraph to the two subsequent classes, as well.

Wednesday 11 September 2002 Class (Weiss)

Self-assembly II: Monolayers, cont.
& Student presentations

Niemeyer, Christof M. Self-assembled nanostructures based on DNA: towards the development of nanobiotechnology. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology (2000), 4(6), 609-618.

Mbindyo, Jeremiah K. N.; Reiss, Brian D.; Martin, Benjamin R.; Keating, Christine D.; Natan, Michael J.; Mallouk, Thomas E. DNA-directed assembly of gold nanowires on complementary surfaces. Advanced Materials (2001), 13(4), 249-254.

Mirkin, Chad A. Programming the Assembly of Two- and Three-Dimensional Architectures with DNA and Nanoscale Inorganic Building Blocks. Inorganic Chemistry (2000), 39(11), 2258-2272.

Fendler, Janos H. Self-Assembled Nanostructured Materials. Chemistry of Materials (1996), 8(8), 1616-1624.

Hostetler, Michael J.; Murray, Royce W. Colloids and self-assembled monolayers. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science (1997), 2, 42-50.

Jun-Fu Liu, Sylvain Cruchon-Dupeyrat, Jayne C. Garno, Gang-Yu Liu, Three-Dimensional Nanostructure Construction via Nanografting: Positive and Negative Pattern Transfer, NanoLetters, ASAP

Friday 13 September 2002 Class (Weiss)
Nanolithography II: Soft lithography

Xia, Younan; Whitesides, George M. Soft lithography. Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering (1997), 77 596-598.

Whitesides, George M.; Ostuni, Emanuele; Takayama, Shuichi; Jiang, Xingyu; Ingber, Donald E. Soft lithography in biology and biochemistry. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering (2001), 3 335-373.


Microcontact Printing
Patterning Self -Assembled Monolayers: Applications in Materials Science
Kumar, A.; Biebuyck, H. A; Whitesides, G. M. Langmuir 10, 1498-1511 (1994).

Microcontact printing of self-assembled monolayers: applications in microfabrication
Wilbur, J. L.; Kumar, A.; Biebuyck, H. A.; Kim, E.; Whitesides, G. M. Nanotechnology 7, 452-457 (1996).

Micromolding in Capillaries: Applications in Materials Science
Kim, E.; Xia, Y. N.; Whitesides, G. M. Journal of the American Chemical Society 118, 5722-5731 (1996).

Micromolding of Polymers in Capillaries: Applications in Microfabrication
Xia, Y. N.; Kim, E.; Whitesides, G. M. Chem. Materials 8, 1558-1567 (1996).

Monday 16 September 2002 Class (Williams)

Self-assembly III: 3-D Assembly
Covalent and electrostatic assembly, DNA-based assembly

Reduced Transition Metal Colloids: A Novel Family of Reusable Catalysts?
in press, A. Roucoux, J. Schulz, and H. Patin*

Wednesday 18 September 2002 Class (Williams)
Characterization I: Spectroscopy

Friday 20 September 2002 Class (Guest Lecturer: Dr. Thomas P. Pearl)
Characterization II: Spectroscopy

Homework #2 Due: 2-3 page report on a paper on self-assembly, in some form. The paper can be found in Science, Nature, Physical Review Letters, Journal of the American Chemical Society, or Nano Letters. Another journal can only be used if your article is specifically approved by one of the instructors. Keep in mind the science/instrumental/clutter issue discussed in class.
Describe the techniques used and experimental conditions.
See a more complete description of the paper requirements.

Monday 23 September 2002 Class (Weiss)
Characterization III: Scanning Probe Microscopies I
& Student presentations

McCarty, G. S.; Weiss, P. S. Scanning Probe Studies of Single Nanostructures. Chemical Reviews (1999), 99, 1983-1990.

Gimzewski, James K.; Joachim, Christian. Nanoscale science of single molecules using local probes. Science (1999), 283, 1683-1688.

Shiku, Hitoshi; Dunn, Robert C. Near-field scanning optical microscopy. Analytical Chemistry (1999), 71, 23A-29A.

Poggi, Mark A.; Bottomley, Lawrence A.; Lillehei, Peter T. Scanning Probe Microscopy. Analytical Chemistry (2002), 74(12), 2851-2862.

Lillehei, Peter T.; Bottomley, Lawrence A. Scanning Probe Microscopy. Analytical Chemistry (2000), 72(12), 189-196.
Monday 23 September 2002, 7 PM, S5 Osmond

Please try to attend Paul Weiss's lecture:
Exploring and Controlling the Atomic-Scale World
of the research seminar series for entering chemistry graduate students, pizza + provided.

Wednesday 25 September 2002 (Weiss)
Characterization IV: Scanning Probe Microscopies II

Liu, Gang-Yu; Xu, Song; Qian, Yile. Nanofabrication of Self-Assembled Monolayers Using Scanning Probe Lithography. Accounts of Chemical Research (2000), 33(7), 457-466.

Demers, L. M.; Ginger, D. S.; Park, S.-J.; Li, Z.; Chung, S.-W.; Mirkin, C. A. Direct patterning of modified oligonucleotides on metals and insulators by dip-pen nanolithography. Science (2002), 296(5574), 1836-1838.
Schwartz, Peter V. Molecular transport from an atomic force microscope tip: A comparative study of dip-pen nanolithography. Langmuir (2002), 18(10), 4041-4046. (CONTROVERSY PAPER)

Friday 27 September 2002 (Weiss & Williams)
Characterization V: Electron and Optical Microscopies
& Student presentations

See the article on Hendrik Schön in the NY Times.
Links to the summary and full reports from Lucent on the issue.

Monday 30 September 2002 Class (Weiss)
Scanning Probes, cont.

Wednesday 2 October 2002 Class (Weiss)
Nanomaterials & Nanostructures I: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Metcars I

Friday 4 October 2002 Class (Williams)
Nanomaterials & Nanostructures II: Metal Nanoparticles I
& Student presentations

Homework #3 Due: 2-3 page report on a paper using at least three of the characterization tools we discussed to learn something other than structure(s). The paper can be found in Science, Nature, Physical Review Letters, Journal of the American Chemical Society, or Nano Letters. Another journal can only be used if your article is specifically approved by one of the instructors. Keep in mind the science/instrumental/clutter issue discussed in class.
Describe the techniques used and experimental conditions.
See a more complete description of the paper requirements.

Friday 4 October 2002, 7 PM, S5 Osmond

Please try to attend Mary Beth Williams's lecture:
Directing Electron and Mass Transport in Nanostructured Materials
of the research seminar series for entering chemistry graduate students, pizza + provided.

Monday 7 October 2002 Class (Williams)
Nanomaterials & Nanostructures IV: Metal Nanoparticles II
& Student presentations

Assignment: What are C-C bond lengths and strengths for single, double, and triple bonds? (e.g. in ethane, ethylene, and acetylene, respectively)

Wednesday 9 October 2002 Class (Weiss & Williams)
Exam I Review
Covering all lectures, readings, and presentations through Metal Nanoparticles

Friday 11 October 2002 Class
Exam I

Monday 14 October 2002 Class

No class -- Fall Break

Wednesday 16 October 2002 Class (Weiss & Williams)
Go over exam
Nanomaterials & Nanostructures V:
Quantum Dots (Semiconductor Nanoparticles) I
Manna, Liberato; Scher, Erik C.; Li, Liang-Shi; Alivisatos, A. Paul. Epitaxial Growth and Photochemical Annealing of Graded CdS/ZnS Shells on Colloidal CdSe Nanorods. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2002), 124(24), 7136-7145.

Quantum Dot Review:

Friday 18 October 2002 (Weiss & Williams)
Optical Properties of Metallic Nanoparticles
& Student presentations

Homework #4 Due: 2-3 page report on a paper on nanoparticles. The paper can be found in Science, Nature, Physical Review Letters, Journal of the American Chemical Society, or Nano Letters. Another journal can only be used if your article is specifically approved by one of the instructors. Keep in mind the science/instrumental/clutter issue discussed in class.
Describe the techniques used and experimental conditions.
See a more complete description of the paper requirements.

Monday 21 October 2002 Class (Williams)
Nanomaterials & Nanostructures VI:
Quantum Dots (Semiconductor Nanoparticles) II
& Student presentations

Wednesday 23 October 2002 Class(Williams & Weiss)
Nanomaterials & Nanostructures VII: Quantum Dots (Semiconductor Nanoparticles) III
Student presentations
& In class exercise

Friday 25 October 2002 Class (Vin Crespi, PSU Physics)


Monday 28 October 2002 Class (Williams)

Microelectronics & Nanoelectronics II: Single Electron Devices
(including a cautionary tale)
& Presentations from in class exercise

Wednesday 30 October 2002 Class (Weiss)
Microelectronics & Nanoelectronics III: Molecular Electronics I

Colbert, Daniel T.; Smalley, Richard E.. Fullerene nanotubes for molecular electronics. Trends in Biotechnology (1999), 17(2), 46-50.

Friday 1 November 2002 Class (Weiss)
Microelectronics & Nanoelectronics IV: Molecular Electronics II
& Student presentations

Homework #5 Due: 2-3 page report on a paper on nanoelectronics. The paper can be found in Science, Nature, Physical Review Letters, Journal of the American Chemical Society, or Nano Letters. Another journal can only be used if your article is specifically approved by one of the instructors. Keep in mind the science/instrumental/clutter issue discussed in class.
Describe the techniques used and experimental conditions.
See a more complete description of the paper requirements.

Monday 4 November 2002 Class (Weiss)
Microelectronics & Nanoelectronics V: Molecular Electronics III
& Student presentations

Wednesday 6 November 2002 Class (Williams)

Exam II review

Friday 8 November 2002 Class (Williams)
covering through microelectronics and nanoelectronics

Monday 11 November 2002 Class (Weiss)

Go over Exam II
Nanoscale Optoelectronics I

Wednesday 13 November 2002 Class (Weiss)
Nanoscale Optoelectronics II

Friday 15 November 2002 (Weiss & Williams)
Go Over All Paper Topics (all students present)
Nanoscale Optoelectronics III

Homework #6 Due: 2-3 page paper focusing on a recent article that is a key reference for your final paper.
See a more complete description of the paper requirements.

Monday 18 November 2002 Class (Williams)

Magnetic Systems

Wednesday 20 November 2002 (Weiss)
Nanobiotechnology I: Biomimetics & control

Friday 22 November 2002 (Williams)
Nanobiotechnology II: Biosensors

Maxwell, Dustin J.; Taylor, Jason R.; Nie, Shuming. Self-Assembled Nanoparticle Probes for Recognition and Detection of Biomolecules. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2002), 124(32), 9606-9612.

DNA with dip pen nanolithography (Chad Mirkin)

Feldheim's linked dimeric/trimeric/tetrameric nanoparticles

Pete Schwartz's dip pen nanolithography and a follow-up paper Molecular Transport from an Atomic Force Microscope Tip: A Comparative Study of Dip-Pen Nanolithography

Colorometric DNA detector (Chad Mirkin)

Monday 25 November 2002 Class (Weiss & Williams)
Nanobiotechnology III: Biosensors, cont.

Wednesday 27 November 2002
No class - Thanksgiving

Friday 29 November 2002
No class - Thanksgiving

Monday 2 December 2002 Class (Williams)

Go over paper topics.
Nanobiotechnology IV: Biomolecular motors

Wednesday 4 December 2002 Class (Williams)

Nanobiotechnology V: Nanofluidics & Lab on a Chip I

Friday 6 December 2002 Class (Weiss)

Go over paper topics.

Final paper due.
See a more complete description of the final paper requirements.

Monday 9 December 2002 Class (Weiss & Williams)

Final Review

Wednesday 11 December 2002 Class (Weiss & Williams) CLASS CANCELLED FOR ICE!

Closed book, nearly unlimited time.

Friday 13 December 2002 Class (Weiss & Williams)

Stay late to complete the exam. If you cannot stay past 330 PM, please contact Mary Beth and Paul.


1. Class participation: 10%
2. Short (2-3 pages max.) reviews of published research papers on current lecture topics: 25%
6 will be required during the semester
A photocopy or print of source article must be attached
Short (<5) minute oral presentations of interesting papers are encouraged. One or two can be accommodated each class.
See a more complete description of the paper requirements
3. Two midterm exams: 15% each
3. One final exam: 25%
4. One long paper reviewing the literature on an approved topic: 20%
topic must involve course material 10 pages typical with 10-20+ references
graded on difficulty of material, clarity, organization, critical/innovative input of student, + related criteria

Consider the following examples of areas from which paper topic can be drawn:
Nanoparticle properties
Nanoparticle-based sensors
Molecular electronics
Hybrid biolgical/synthetic motors
See a more complete description of the paper requirements

TOTAL: 110%, because that is what we expect from you!

All Penn State policies ( regarding ethics and honorable behavior apply to this course.


Choose a topic from the current, primary literature that is related to the nanoscience topic listed below. The paper must have been published no earlier than January 1, 2001, and should be taken from the journals Science, Nature, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Nanoletters, Applied Physics Letters, or Physical Review Letters. Papers from other journals are permitted only with prior consent.

Spend time selecting your paper. You are going to put a lot of effort into working on it, so it should be something of interest to you and others, and it should be important

Know the leader(s) and location(s) of the group(s) performing the work. Look up the papers cited in order to understand the background and context of the paper.

Use spell checking and proof read your paper: your paper will be returned, ungraded, if there are large numbers of typographical, spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Short Papers focus on a single published paper and are not to exceed 3 typed pages, including references and figures. In addition to the paper covered, you are expected to reference related, cited and subsequent work. The sixth short paper may be on any nanoscience topic, and will form the basis of the full paper.

The Full Paper focuses on a single topic, includes multiple papers and/or the work of multiple research groups, is typically 10 typed pages and is not to exceed 12 typed pages including references and figures. This paper is an expanded version of one of the short papers. The full paper should include abstract, introduction, experimental results and discussion, and conclusion sections.

Use the following formatting defaults:
• All margins are a minimum of 1”.
• Font no less than 12 point.
• Line spacing no less than 1.5 lines.
• Include page numbers.

Title Page (which is not included in the page limit): Include your name, date, email address, and full reference for the paper you are discussing.

Figures: Use illustrative examples only (do not attempt to fill space by incorporating copious numbers of figures). Include a figure legend.

References: Use one of the following formats:
Tang, Z.; Kotov, N. A.; Giersig, M. “Spontaneous Organization of Single CdTe Nanoparticles into Luminescent Nanowires” Science 2002, 297 (5579), 237 – 240.

“Spontaneous Organization of Single CdTe Nanoparticles into Luminescent Nanowires,” Z. Tang, N. A. Kotov, and M. Giersig, Science 297, 237 – 240 (2002).

Papers are due by class time on the dates indicated, and neither late papers nor electronic submissions will be accepted. For each short paper, come to class with a single viewgraph overview that you can use to explain the key elements of the paper. You may include both figures and text on the viewgraph, and these should be readable from the back of the room (this may mean retyping or redrawing).
You should be prepared to talk for approximately 5 minutes and to justify your choice of paper.

Version date: 11 December 2002 (back to the top)
mbw & psw