Weiss Group

The Paul Weiss Lab is an interdisciplinary group of scientists, engineers, and clinicians with broad interests and collaborations around the world. Our goal is to research the ultimate limits of miniaturization to develop new chemical understanding of the physical and biological worlds. Welcome!


Prof. Paul S. Weiss

UC Presidential Chair
Distinguished Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Bioengineering, and Materials Science & Engineering
(psw >at< cnsi.ucla.edu)

Senior Staff & Postdoctoral Fellows

Dr. Kris Barr

UCLA Teacher Scholar
(Kristopher.Barr >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Haiyue Huang

(haiyuehuang >at< g.ucla.edu)

Dr. Tianhan Liu

Visiting Scientist and
Editor at Physical Review Letters and Physical Review Materials
(tianhanliu >at< g.ucla.edu)

Graduate Students

Ajoa (AJ) Addae

(ajaddae >at< g.ucla.edu)

Daniel Bilezikian

(dbilezikian >at< g.ucla.edu)

Judy Cheng

(jtingcheng027 >at< gmail.com)

Photography by Hon Hoang

Dr. Isaura Frost

(IFrost >at< mednet.ucla.edu)


Gilad Gani

(giladg >at< chem.ucla.edu)

Erika Lopez Lara

(erika.lopez.laraa >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Melina Mastrodimos

(mbmastrodimos >at< gmail.com)

Wangbo Pan

(wangbopan23 >at< g.ucla.edu)

Photography by Hon Hoang

Dr. Jun Shen

(junshen >at< ucla.edu)

Deepak Singla

(singlade >at< g.ucla.edu)

Jason Williams

(jasonqlwilliams >at< g.ucla.edu)

Zixi Wu

(zx >at< ucla.edu)

Undergraduate Students

Screen Shot 2022-06-10 at 9.53.31 AM

Maximilian Floridia


Emilee Gip

(emileegip >at< ucla.edu)

Rachel Ma

(mrachelm2020 >at< gmail.com)

Anna Moulds

(annamoulds >at< g.ucla.edu)

Lauren Vuong

(laurvuong >at< g.ucla.edu)

Tieu Vuong

(miavuong1203 >at< g.ucla.edu)



Admin Assistant


Prof. Tomas Base

The Czech Academy of Sciences
(tbase >at< iic.cas.cz)

Visitors - Coming Soon

Stay tuned!

Postdoctoral Fellows and Staff Alumni

Dr. John Abendroth

(jmabendroth >at< ucla.edu)

Prof. Maryam Badv

University of Calgary
(maryam.badv >at < ucalgary.ca)

Prof. Avijit Baidya

SRM Institute of Science and Technology
(a.baidyaju >at< gmail.com)

Lola Belsito

Former Staff

Dr. Joanne Bevilacqua

Former ACS Nano Staff

Steve Bumbarger

Former Staff
(sxb10 >at< psu.edu)

Prof. Lloyd A. Bumm

University of Oklahoma
(bumm >at< nhn.ou.edu)

Holly Bunje

Former ACS Nano Journal Assistant
(holly.bunje >at< ucla.edu)

Prof. Ann-Sofie Cans

Chalmers University
(cans >at< chalmers.se)

Dr. Gabriel Chatelain

(gabchatelain >at< g.ucla.edu)

Dr. Kevin Cheung

(cheung.m.kevin >at< gmail.com)

Prof. Naihao Chiang

(nchiang >at< central.uh.edu)

George Chriss

Former Staff
(gschriss >at< gmail.com)

Prof. Shelley Claridge

Purdue University
(claridge >at< purdue.edu)

Dr. Anne Counterman

(anne.counterman >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Victoire Déjean

(victoiredejean >at< g.ucla.edu)

Photography by Hon Hoang

Dr. Chris DeSantis

Former ACS Nano
Managing Editor
(cjdesantis2014 >at< gmail.com)

Prof. Luis C. Fernandez-Torres

St. Thomas University
(fernandez >at< stu.edu)

Deepee Gerringer

Administrative Assistant and former ACS Nano Journal Assistant
(deepee >at< cnsi.ucla.edu)

Dr. Susan Gillmor

National Institutes of Health
(sdgillmor >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Andrew Greenberg

University of Wisconsin
(greenberg >at< chem.wisc.edu)

Prof. Jennifer Hampton

Department of Physics
Hope College

Prof. Patrick Han

Tohoku University
(RISINGSUN262 >at< yahoo.com)

Dr. Mahdi Hasani

(mahdi.hasani >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Anat Hatzor De Picciotto

Former Post-Doc and National Area Expert in Chemical Advances in Nanolithography
(AnatD >at< pczlaw.com>)

Prof. Nate Hohman

University of Connecticut
(james.hohman >at< uconn.edu)

Hon Hoang

Design Media Administrator
(hon >at< cnsi.ucla.edu)

Prof. Xu Hou

Xiamen University
(houx >at< xmu.edu.cn)

Emily Indriolo

Former Staff Scientist
(eyi101 >at< psu.edu)

Prof. S. Alex Kandel

Department of Chemistry
Notre Dame University
(S.A.Kandel.1 >at< nd.edu)

Prof. Steven Jonas

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
(sjonas >at< ucla.edu)

Lisa Kawakami

(lmkawakami >at< gmail.com)

Prof. Christine Dolan Keating

Department of Chemistry
Penn State University
(keating >at< chem.psu.edu)

Prof. Kevin Kelly

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rice University
(kkelly >at< rice.edu)

Dr. Jaemyung Kim

(jmyungkim >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Moonhee Kim

Glisten Technologies
(moon219 >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Nina Kovtyukhova

Vivian Lee

Admin Assistant
(vlee >at< cnsi.ucla.edu)

Dr. Dongbo Li

Hitachi GST
(Dongbo.Li >at< hgst.com)

Prof. Li Shao Chun

Department of Physics
Nanjing University
(scli >at< nju.edu.cn or shaochun.li.stm >at< gmail.com)

Prof. Wei-Ssu Liao

Department of Chemistry
National Taiwan University
(wsliaochem >at< ntu.edu.tw)

Dr. Alessandro Lodesani

(lodesani >at< g.ucla.edu)

Dr. Claire Meyer

(clairemeyer >at<g.ucla.edu )

Dr. Joe Meyer

(meyerja >at< aol.com)

Dr. Morgan Mihok

Former Staff Scientist

Kareem Morris

Administrative Assistant and former ACS Nano Journal Assistant
(kareem >at< cnsi.ucla.edu)

Prof. Nako Nakatsuka

(nako.nakatsuka > at < epfl.ch)

Photography by Hon Hoang

Dr. Jae Park

ReCode Therapeutics
(jaep0827 >at< ucla.edu)

Dr. Thomas P. Pearl

Dr. Sherman Ponder

Prof. Sara Rahimnejad

(sara.rahimnejad >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Matt Sandel

Former Staff Scientist
University of Washington
(mattsandel >at< yahoo.com)

Prof. Leonardo Scarabelli

(lscarabelli >at< icmab.es)

Dr. Liane Slaughter

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
(slaughter.liane >at< gmail.com)

Prof. Charlie Sykes

Department of Chemistry
Tufts University
(Charles.Sykes >at< tufts.edu)

Dr. Logan Stewart

(logan.yah >at< gmail.com)

Jackie Lim-Piu Tan

Former Staff Scientist

Prof. Hirofumi Tanaka

Kyushu Institute of Technology
(tanaka >at< brain.kyutech.ac.jp)

Amy Whelpley

Former Staff Scientist

Prof. Wei Xu

Department of Physics
Tongji University
(xuwei >at< tongji.edu.cn)

Dr. Qing Yang

(qingyang1205 >at< gmail.com)

Prof. Tao Ye

University of California, Merced
(tao.ye >at< ucmerced.edu)

Dr. Thomas Young

(thomasdylanyoung >at< live.com)

Dr. Michael G. Yoshikawa Youngquist

(mgy >at< alumni.Caltech.edu)

Dr. Diana Yugay

(yugay >at< chem.ucla.edu)

Prof. Peng Peng Zhang

Department of Physics
Michigan State University
(zhang >at< pa.msu.edu)

Dr. Yuxi Zhao

(seesea.zhao >at< gmail.com)

Prof. Yuebing Zheng

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Texas at Austin
(yzz113 >at< gmail.com)

Graduate Student Alumni

Prof. Beth Anderson

Furman University
(maryelizabeth.anderson>at< furman.edu)

Jamie Arnold

Penn State
(jja5 >at< psu.edu)

Photography by Hon Hoang

Dr. Erin Avery

(erin.avery1 >at< gmail.com)

Prof. Heidi Bednar

College of the Canyons
(heidirenate >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Jason Belling

(jasonbelling >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Meaghan Blake

Dow Chemical
(ladyblakey >at< hotmail.com)

Dr. Huan Cao

UC Merced
(serotonin >at< ucla.edu)

Dr. Lyndon F. Charles

(jahprofile >at< hotmail.com)

Prof. Sarawut Cheunkar

King Mongkut University of Technology
(sarawut.che >at< kmutt.ac.th)

Dr. Michael Cygan

(mcygan >at< erols.com)

Dr. Arrelaine Dameron

(arrelaine >at< gmail.com)

Daniel Dewey

Prof. Zachary Donhauser

Department of Chemistry
Vassar College
(zadonhauser >at< vassar.edu)

Prof. Leyla Esfandiari

(esfandiari >at< ucmail.uc.edu)
University of Cincinnati

Chunru Fan

(cfan >at< chem.ucla.edu)

Dr. Jim Ferris

(jimsan >at< ComCAT.COM)

Dr. Dan Fuchs

(dan_fuchs_4 >at< hotmail.com)

Prof. Andrea Giordano

(ang143 >at< psu.edu)

Photography by Hon Hoang

Dr. Yao Gong

(echogy1900 >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Dominic Goronzy

Northwestern University
(goronzy.dominic >at< gmail.com)

Tracy Graham

Waters Corp.
(tracybelle >at< comcast.net)

Dr. Andrew Guttentag

(ang143 >at< psu.edu)

Dr. Patrick Han

Tohoku University
(pxh >at< wpi-aimr.tohoku.ac.jp)

Dr. Martin Hartel

(martinhartel557 >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Julia Heetderks

(juliaheetderks >at< msn.com)

Prof. Nate Hohman

Department of Chemistry
University of Connecticut
(james.hohman >at< uconn.edu)

Prof. Justin Ingram

Dr. Jennifer Jackiw

(jjjackiw >at< yahoo.com)

Jennifer Johnson

(jenjohnson >at< erols.com)

Dr. Marilyn Kamna

(marilyn_kamna >at< ccm.sc.Intel.com)

Matthew Kelsey

(mkelsey37 >at< g.ucla.edu)

Photography by Hon Hoang

Dr. Liv Heidenreich

(lheiden >at< ucla.edu)

Vasilis M. Kostakis

Dr. Kyle Krom

(Kyle.Krom >at< merial.com)

Dr. Ajeet Kumar

National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, India,
(go4ajeet >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Adam Kurland

(adam.kurland >at< gmail.com)

Dr. James Kushmerick

(james.kushmerick >at< NIST.gov)

Jeff Lawrence

(jlawrenc2 >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Penelope Lewis

American Institute of Physics
(plewis >at< aip.org)

Photography by Hon Hoang

Dr. Wenfei Liu

(wenfei95 >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Brent Mantooth

Edgewood Research, Development, and Engineering Center
(bmantooth >at< gmail.com)

Prof. Greg McCarty

University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University
(gmccarty >at< email.unc.edu)

Dr. Alexandra Mendoza

Cedars Sinai
(alexandra.mendoza05 >at< gmail.com)

Photography by Hon Hoang

Dr. Samantha T. Mensah


Dr. Jason Monnell

University of Pittsburgh
(jmonnell >at< engr.pitt.edu)

Dr. Amanda Moore

(amanda.m.moore >at< Intel.com)

Dr. Terry D’Onofrio

Edgewood Research, Development, and Engineering Center
(terrence.donofrio >at< us.army.mil)

Prof. TJ Mullen

University of North Florida
(mullen.tj >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Hossein Montazerian

(hmo >at< mit.edu)

Dr. Sanjini Nanayakkara

(Sanjini.Nanayakkara >at< nrel.gov)

Photography by Hon Hoang

Dr. Amir Nasajpour

Entropic Biosciences, Inc. (anasajpour >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Balakrishna Pathem

Hitachi GST
(bala.pathem >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Hector Saavedra

(hmsaavedra >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz

(jeffreyschwartz2357 >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Andrew Serino

Lam Research
(andrew.serino >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Mitchell Shuster

(mitchell.shuster >at< gmail.com)

Prof. Miles Silverman

College of the Canyons
(miles.silverman >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Rachel Smith

Life Technologies
(rachel.smitty >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Dominik Stemer

Fritz Haber Institute
(dstemer >at< ucla.edu)

Dr. Charan Srinivasan

(charan.s >at< gmail.com)

Dr. John C. Thomas

Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
(jthomas >at< lbl.gov)

Dr. Amit Vaish

(amitfrompsu2009 >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Stephan J. Stranick


Photography by Hon Hoang

Dr. Gail Vinnacombe-Willson

(gavinnacombe >at< ucla.edu)

Garrett Wadsworth

Air Products
(garrettwadsworth >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Shenkai Wang

Lam Research
(Shenkai.Wang >at< lamresearch.com)

Dr. Natcha Wattanatorn

(natcha >at< chem.ucla.edu)

Dr. Katie White

(kewhite1 >at< g.ucla.edu)

Dr. Thomas Young

UC Berkeley
(thomasdylanyoung >at< live.com)

Rong Zhang

(christine_rzhang >at< hotmail.com)

Photography by Hon Hoang

Shan Zhang


Dr. Chuanzhen Zhao

Stanford University
(chuanzhenzhao >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Yuxi Zhao

(seesea.zhao >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Lingbo Xing

Peking University
(1401110255 >at< pku.edu.cn)

Undergraduate Student Alumni

Michael J. Abrams

Victor Aiello

Rashed Alkhlaifat

(abukhlief >at< ucla.edu)

Matthew Allen

Imperial College London
(matthew.allen15 >at<​ imperial.ac.uk)

Prof. Beth Anderson

Furman University
(maryelizabeth.anderson>at< furman.edu)

Esteban Bautista

California State University Northridge
(ebautista.elac >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Jason Belling

(jasonbelling >at< gmail.com)

Ivan Baxter

Priya Bhatia

(pbhatia >at< rice.edu)

Chris Binns

Ithaca College

Aimee Bross Price

Ohio State University
(price.798 >at< osu.edu)

Lafone Brown

Kevin Bui

Erin Carter

Phil Cerami

Lyndon F. Charles

(jahprofile >at< hotmail.com)

Sandy Chen

(sandych3n >at< gmail.com)

George Chriss

Dr. Mercedes Cornelius

(mercedes_cornelius >at< yahoo.com)

Jacob Fauman

University of California, Santa Barbara

Xin Gao

(xin.gao.97 >at< outlook.com) Nanjing University

Dr. Matt Gethers

(mattgethers >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Ashley Gibb

(ashleygibb >at< gmail.com)

Megan Gilbert

Dr. Molly P. Heyer

Cambridge University
(mph29 >at< hermes.cam.ac.uk)

Dr. Emily Hiers

(eah012 >at< latech.edu)

Dr. Jennifer Hinds

(jhinds >at< ncsu.edu)

Hannah Lee Hinton

(hhinton >at< ucla.edu)

Olivia Irving

(olivia.rae.irving >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Renée M. Itle

Matthew SungYun Ji

(matthewji12345 >at< ucla.edu)

Sumana Kaluvai

(sumanakaluvai >at< gmail.com)

Lee Katrincic

David Kes

California State University, Long Beach
(davidkes >at< live.com)

Read Langlois

Dr. Mya LeThai

(lethaitramy >at< gmail.com)

Xi Li

(lixi >at< smail.nju.edu.cn)

Dr. Xiaotong Li

Nankai University
(ulanda1994 >at< yahoo.com)

Patrick Liu

(patricktqliu >at< gmail.com)

Xiaohan Liu

(hanwan127 >at< gmail.com)

Prof. J. Christopher Love

(clove >at< mit..edu)

Tarah Lubinski

(tarah_lubs >at< hotmail.com)

Jason Lurie

(lurie >at< fas.harvard.edu)

Michael Mellody

(mmellody >at< ucla.edu)

Michelle Martinez-Rivera

(michelle.martinez.pr >at< gmail.com)

Patrick McClanahan

(pdmcclanahan >at< gmail.com)

Tanvir Mahmud

Brandon Matthews

(brandon.matthews.92 >at< gmail.com)

Kelly McElhinny

(kmm726 >at< lulu.acns.nwu.edu)

Dr. John McManigle

Abner J. Mintz

(Abner.Mintz >at< montgomerycollege.edu)

Shameek Mitra

(shameek >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Liz Morin

(emorin1 >at< alumni.stanford.edu)

Dr. Elizabeth Muth

Ryan Nevin

Roya Nezarati

(rmnezara >at< ncsu.edu)

Clarissa Pham

(clarissaapham >at< gmail.com)

Michael G. Pirrello

Chris Pochas

Marian Popescu

Wilson Porteus

(wilson.porteus >at< gmail.com)

Sue Prueksaritanond

Yifeng Qi

University of Science and Technology of China now MIT
(qiyf >at< mit.edu)

Rodrigo Rios

(riosno_40 >at< hotmail.com)

Dr. Nancy Santagata
Ohio State University

Mark Schlegel

(stmks03 >at< moravian.edu)

Nicole Shedlock

(sxp207 >at< psu.edu)

Jared Swart

River Sween

(riverswn1 >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Chris Thompson

(cmthompson >at< northwestern.edu)

Leticia Torres

University of San Francisco

Marta Ventura

(mxv176 >at< psu.edu)

Angelo Vergnetti

Santa Monica College
(vergnetti.angelo >at< gmail.com)

Garrett Wadsworth

(garrettwadsworth >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Roger Wang

Lam Research

Dr. Lane Weaver

(laneW >at< aol.com)

Dr. Alex Wissner-Gross

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(alexwg >at< physics.harvard.edu)

Jeremy L. Weeden

Juniata College

Fujun Wu

(fxw126 >at< psu.edu)

Matthew Ye

Matthew Ye (matthewye >at< ucla.edu)

Sichen Ludwig Zhao

University of Pennsylvania
(luxwig >at< ucla.edu)

Hua Zheng

(belljayzh >at< gmail.com)

Former Visiting Scientists

Tae Kyung Ahn

Hanyang University
Department of Chemistry

Prof. Beth Anderson

Furman University
(maryelizabeth.anderson>at< furman.edu)

Dr. Boaz Alperson

Department of Chemistry
Weizmann Institute of Science
(cpboaz >at< weizmann.weizmann.ac.il)

Prof. Tomas Base

The Czech Academy of Sciences
(tbase >at< iic.cas.cz)

Prof. Heidi Bednar

College of the Canyons
(heidirenate >at< gmail.com)

Prof. Chris Barrett

McGill University
Fulbright Canada Chair
(chris.barrett >at< mcgill.ca)

Dr. Johana Bolívar Monsalve

Tecnológico de Monterrey
(A00827748 >at< itesm.mx)

Dr. Chris Carlisle

Department of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
(cic1001 >at< cus.cam.ac.uk)

Dr. Carlos Ceballos Gonzalez

Tecnológico de Monterrey
(A00826572 >at< itesm.mx)

Dr. Yanyan Chen

(yychen2006 >at< sinano.ac.cn)

Prof. Fangyi Cheng

Nankai University
(fycheng >at< nankai.edu.cn>)

Prof. Joey Chifamba

University of Zimbabwe
(chifambajoey >at< gmail.com)

Dr. Marguerite Ciolkosz

State College Area High School

Prof. Shelley Claridge

Purdue University
(claridge >at< purdue.edu)

Prof. Dr. Jochen Feldmann

(feldmann >at< lmu.de)

Prof. Luis C. Fernandez-Torres

(lcfernandez >at< cayey.upr.edu)

Prof. Dr. Johan Hofkens

KU Leuven
(johan.hofkens >at< chem.kuleuven.be)

Prof. Atsushi Ikai

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama

Dr. Takao Ishida

(t-ishida >at< aist.go.jp)

Prof. Shana O. Kelley

Northwestern University
Special Fulbright Canada Chair
(shana.kelley >at< northwestern.edu)

Prof. Kevin Kelly

Rice University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(kkelly >at< rice.edu)

Sander S. Kommeren

Sander S. Kommeren
(a.s.kommeren >at< student.utwente.nl)

Sang Min Kim

Hanyang UniversitySang Min Kim
Department of Chemistry

Prof. Haiwon Lee

Hanyang University
Department of Chemistry
(haiwon >at< hanyang.ac.kr)

Prof. L. Andrew Lyon

Chapman University

Kazunori Ohashi

Nagoya University
Department of Chemistry
(kazunori >at< nano.chem.nagoya-u.ac.jp)

Dr. Hans Peter Rust

Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Prof. Federico Rosei

Fulbright Canada Chair
(rosei >at< emt.inrs.ca)

Prof. Hiroshi Sakaguchi

Research Institute of Electronics
Shizuoka University
(sakaguchi >at< rie.shizuoka.ac.jp)

Prof. Ted Sargent

Northwestern University
Fulbright Canada Chair (ted.sargent >at<; northwestern.edu)

Prof. Tomo Takami

VisionArts SpinLab and Hiroshima University
(hgg03601 >at< nifty.com)

Dr. Gary Taylor

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama

Prof. Jyh-Ming Wu

National Tsing Hua University
(wujm >at< mx.nthu.edu.tw)

Dr. Roger van Zee


Wouter J. C. Vijselaar

(w.j.c.vijselaar-1 >at< student.utwente.nl)

Prof. Glen Vogel

Department of Chemistry
Ithaca College
(vogel >at< ithaca.edu)

Prof. Marcus Weck

Department of Chemistry
New York University
(marcus.weck >at< nyu.edu)

Prof. Alexander Wei

Purdue University
(alexwei >at< purdue.edu)

Prof. Jiansheng Xu

Institute of Electrical Engineering
Chinese Academy of Sciences
(jsxu >at< mail.iee.ac.cn)

Photography by Hon Hoang

Prof. Xiaobin Xu

Tongji University
(xxu.uta >at< gmail.com)

Prof. Yingwei Yang

Jilin University
(ywyang >at< jlu.edu.)

Prof. Ken-Tye Yong

University of Sydney
(ken.yong >at< sydney.edu.au)

Prof. Yasuyuki Yokota

Osaka University
(yyokota >at< chem.es.osaka-u.ac.jp)

Prof. Francisco Zaera

University of California, Riverside
(zaera >at< ucr.edu)

Prof. Darin T. Zimmerman

Department of Physics
Penn State Altoona
(dtz1 >at< psu.edu)

Sue Prueksaritanond