
John M. Abendroth

ACS Travel Award, 2016

American Chemical Society, Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Best Poster, 2016

Seaborg Award Symposium, Best Poster, 2016

Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2017-2018

Weizmann Institute, Visiting Fellowship, 2017

Physical Electronics Conference, Mort Traum Award Finalist, 2018

UCLA Commencement Award in Physical Chemistry, 2018

Michael J. Abrams

CRC Freshman Chemistry Award, 1992

Eberly College of Science Alumni Association Freshman Award, 1992

Ajoa (AJ) Addae

Future Leaders 100, 2023

UCLA Diversity Fellowship, 2023–2024

UCLA Samantha T. Mensah Award for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 2023

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 2024–2028

Northeastern University Women Who Empower Innovator Award, Undergraduate 1st Place, 2024

Northeastern University Women Who Empower Innovator Award, Powering Diverse and Inclusive Communities of Belonging, 2nd Place, 2024

Beth Anderson

Materials Research Institute Fellow, 2001-2003

Apple Fellowship, 2004

National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2006

Jamie J. Arnold

Materials Research Society Graduate Student Award Finalist, 1995

Eberly College of Science Roberts Award, 1996

Erin Avery

Hanson-Dow Excellence in Teaching Award, 2019

Kristopher Barr

American Physical Society, Far West Section, Best Poster, 2018

UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Teacher-Scholar, 2020-2023

Jason Belling

NIH Predoctoral Fellowship 2019–2022

Lemelson Student Award Finalist, 2019

UCLA Chemists Association Dissertation Award in Materials Chemistry, 2020

Aimee L. Bross

Teas Fellowship, 1999

American Chemical Society, Analytical Chemistry Division I. M. Kolthoff Undergraduate Research Award, 1999

American Physical Society, Division of Chemical Physics Travel Award, 2000

Ann-Sofie Cans

Swedish Brain Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2004 (declined)

Wallenberg Family Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2004-2009

Huan Cao

Incoming Graduate Student Award (after first year of graduate school), 2009

UCLA Neuroimaging Training Fellowship, 2011-2012

UCLA Graduate Fellowship, 2014

American Chemical Society, Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Best Poster, 2015

Judy Cheng

National Science Foundation, Predoctoral Fellowship Competition Fellow, Honorable Mention, 2023

Kevin Cheung

Outstanding Student Talk, Southern California Biomedical Sciences Graduate Student Research Symposium, 2019

National Research Council, Research Associates Program (NRC RAP) Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2019

SG Fellowship, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCLA, 2019

Aptamers 2019 Best Poster Award, 2019

ACS UCLA Research Showcase Fellowship, 2019

National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Graduate Student Recruiting Program, 2019

Shelley Claridge

NIH Ruth Kirschstein National Research Service Award Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2009

Molecular Biology Institute Postdoctoral Awards for Research Excellence, 2011

UCLA Chancellor’s Award for Postdoctoral Research, 2011

Merkin Family Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Nano-Neuroscience, 2012–2013

Anne Counterman

Burroughs-Wellcome Career Award at the Scientific Interface, Finalist, 2002

National Institutes of Health, Research Career Award, 2003–2005

Arrelaine A. Dameron

Weyenberg Award, 2005

Rustum and Della Roy Innovation in Materials Research Award, 2006

Daniel Dewey

Incoming Graduate Student Award (after first year of graduate school), 2008

Zachary J. Donhauser

Department of Chemistry Roberts Graduate Fellowship, 1998-2000

Department of Chemistry Travel Award, 2001

Geiger Fellowship, 2001

Semiconductor Research Corporation Fellowship, 2001-2004

Miller Fellowship, 2002

Materials Research Society, Silver Medal for Graduate Research, 2002

Terrence G. D’Onofrio

Roberts Graduate Research Award, 1999

Department of Chemistry Travel Award, 1999

Weyenberg Award, 2002

James H. Ferris

Dorothy M. Hoffman Vacuum Education Award, 2nd Prize, 1997

Max Floridia

UCLA Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 2023

Dan Fuchs

Dan H. Waugh Memorial Teaching Award, 1999

Xin Gao

Cross-Disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology, Best Presentation Award, 2018

Ashley Gibb

Nedig Scholar, 2006–2009

John & Elizabeth Holmes Teas Scholarship, 2007

Andrea Giordano

Incoming Graduate Student Award (after first year of graduate school), 2009

Yao Gong

UCLA SG Fellowship, 2019–2020

UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Second Year Graduate Research Award, 2020

ASGCT Best Poster Award, 2020

UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, George Gregory Excellence in Research Award, 2021

UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2022–2023

Meritorious Travel Award from the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, 2023

Dominic Goronzy

UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2018-2019

Andrew Guttentag

ACS Travel Award, 2016

Mahdi Hasani

Southern California Society for Microscopy and Microanalysis, Best Poster, 2017

Southern California Society for Microscopy and Microanalysis, Best Image, 2017

Early Career Board of ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2018

Julia Heetderks

Department of Chemistry Travel Award, 2003

Department of Chemistry Travel Award, 2004

Department of Chemistry Travel Award, 2005

Liv Heidenreich

UCLA Hanson-Dow Teaching Award, 2019

Nate Hohman

Dan Waugh Teaching Award, Honorable Mention, 2005

American Chemical Society, Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Best Poster, 2007

Penn State, Apple Fellowship, 2009

American Chemical Society, Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Best Poster, 2011

Olivia Irving

University of California Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, Honorable Mention, 2014

Takeo Ishida

NEDO Fellowship, 2003

Renée M. Itle

Braddock Scholarship, 1991-1994

National Merit Scholarship, 1991-1994

Jennifer J. Jackiw

Department of Chemistry Travel Award, 1999

Matthew Ji

UCLA Ruth & Rex Van Trees Award, 2018

UCLA Undergraduate Research Fellow, 2018

UCLA Arthur Furst Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research, 2019

Summa cum Laude and Departmental Highest Honors, 2019

Steven J. Jonas

Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research Fellow, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018

UCLA Children’s Discovery and Innovation Institute Fellows Research Support Award, 2016-2017

Hyundai Hope on Wheels Young Investigator Award, 2017-2020

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Young Investigator Award, 2017-2020

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Shark Tank Winner, 2017\

UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital Shapiro Family 2nd year Fellows Poster & Research Award, 2017

Hemostasis & Thrombosis Research Society Travel Award, 2018

Society for Pediatric Research, Fellow’s Basic Research Award, 2018

UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Postdoctoral Award, 2018

UCLA Chancellor’s Award for Postdoctoral Research, Honorable Mention, 2018
UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital Shapiro Family 3rd year Fellows Poster & Research Award, 2018

UCLA CNSI KL2 Translational Science Award, 2018–2021

Tower Foundation Career Development Award, 2018

NIH Director’s Early Independence Award, 2019–2024

Marilyn M. Kamna

Sigma Xi Travel Award in the Physical Sciences, 1994

American Chemical Society Analytical Division Fellowship, 1995

Eberly College of Science Roberts Award, 1996

American Vacuum Society, Surface Science Division Travel Award, 1996

S. Alex Kandel

American Chemical Society Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education in Chemistry, 2000

Union Carbide Innovation Recognition Award, 2000

Lisa Kawakami

Seaborg Medal Symposium, Best Poster Award, 2015

Jaemyung Kim

Carbon Journal Prize, 2014

Moonhee Kim

American Chemical Society, Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Best Poster, 2010

Braucher Research Fellowship, 2010

Ajeet Kumar

Incoming Graduate Student Award (after first year of graduate school), 2006

Dan Waugh Teaching Award, Honorable Mention, 2006

American Chemical Society, Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Best Poster, 2007

Materials Research Institute Graduate Fellowship, 2007-2008.

Miller Fellowship, 2008

James G. Kushmerick

Twelfth Graduate Research Exhibition, Honorable Mention, 1997

Eberly College of Science Braddock Fellowship, 1998

Read T. Langlois

Materials Research Society Undergraduate Research Award, 2001

American Chemical Society and National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates Travel Award, 2002

Experiences for Undergraduates Travel Award, 2002

Schreyer Honors College Summer Undergraduate Research Award, 2002

Undergraduate Research Exhibition, First Place in the Physical Sciences Division, 2003

Penelope A. Lewis

Dan Waugh Teaching Award, 2000

Braucher Scholarship, 2001

Department of Chemistry Travel Award, 2003

Xi Li

UCLA Cross-Disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology, Best Presentation, 2019


Wenfei Liu

UCLA SG Fellowship, 2019–2020

Erika López

American Chemical Society, Division of Environmental Chemistry: ACS representative to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) in Dubai, UAE, November 30 December 12, 2023

J. Christopher Love

Foresight Institute Distinguished Student Award, 2000

Rachel Ma

Ramsey Summer Fellowship, 2022

UCLA Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 2023

Brent A. Mantooth

Geiger Fellowship, 2001

Weyenberg Award, 2002

American Chemical Society, Division of Analytical Chemistry Graduate Fellowship, 2003-2004

Miller Fellowship, 2004

Brandon Matthews

University of California Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, Special Merit Award in the Physical Sciences, 2014

Claire Elsa Mayer

Swiss National Science Foundation Early Postdoc Mobility Fellowship, 2020–2021

Gregory S. McCarty

American Vacuum Society, Nanometer Science and Technology Division Travel Award, 1998

Lubrizol Graduate Research Award, 1999

John E. McManigle

Goldwater Scholarship, 2007

Teas Scholarship, 2007

The Pennsylvania State University, Schreyer Honors College, Paul Axt Prize, 2008

The Pennsylvania State University, Eberly College of Science Graduation, Department of Physics Student Marshal, 2008

Michael Mellody

UCLA University Research Scholarship, 2018

NSF Graduate Fellowship 2019

Alexandra Mendoza

Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellowship, 2012-2013, 2015-2016

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 2014-2018

Samantha Mensah

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 2017–2022

UCLA Graduate Student Award for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), 2021

Royal Society of Chemistry, Inclusion and Diversity Prize, 2021

National Security Education Program (NSEP) David L. Boren Fellowship, 2022

National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers, Winifred Burks-Houck Graduate Leadership Award, 2022

UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2022–2023

Joseph A. Meyer

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship, 1993-1995

Morgan Mihok

Teas Fellowship, 1999

Undergraduate Scholar Summer Research Fellowship, 1999

Abner J. Mintz

American Chemical Society Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry, 1991

Lubrizol Scholarship, 1991

American Institute of Chemistry Award, 1992

Hossein Montazerian

UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2022–2023

UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harry M. Showman
            Prize for the top PhD thesis in engineering, 2023

Amanda M. Moore

American Chemical Society, Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Best Poster, 2003

Apple Fellowship, 2006

Geiger Fellowship, 2006

Rohm & Haas Graduate Student Award, 2007

Iota Sigma Pi Anna Louise Hoffman Award for Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Research, 2007

American Vacuum Society, Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Travel Award, 2007

Elizabeth Morin

John & Elizabeth Holmes Teas Scholarship, 2007

Department of Chemistry, Sponsors Days Best Poster, 2008

T. J. Mullen

Braddock Fellowship, 2003-2005

Dan Waugh Teaching Award, 2004

Department of Chemistry Travel Award, 2005

Rohm & Haas Graduate Student Award, 2006

Braucher Award, 2006

Geiger Fellowship, 2006

Rustum and Della Roy Innovation in Materials Research Award, 2007

American Chemical Society, Division of Analytical Chemistry Graduate Fellowship, 2007

Miller Fellowship, 2007

American Vacuum Society, Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Award, 2007

Schering-Plough Science and Innovation Award, 2008

Elizabeth H. Muth

Eberly College of Science John and Elizabeth Teas Scholarship, 1998

Undergraduate Research Exhibition, Physical Sciences, 2nd Place, 2001

Phi Beta Kappa, 2001

Honors B.S. in Chemistry with High Honors, 2001

Nako Nakatsuka

Hanson-Dow Teaching Assistant Award, 2015

ACS Travel Award, 2016

Fellowship to attend Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience, Göteborg, Sweden, 2016

NIDA Young Investigator Award for the International Society of Serotonin Research Conference, 2016

UCLA Symposium on Neurotechnology Data Blitz 1st Place, 2017

UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2017

Brain in Flux, Grand Award, 2017

Brain in Flux, Competitive Travel Award, 2017

Sigma Xi, 2017

Doctoral Hooding Ceremony, Doctoral Candidate Marshal, 2018

UCLA Norma Stoddart Prize, 2018

ETH Fellow: ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2018–2020

Technology Review Innovators under 35, 2021

Sanjini Nanayakkara

American Vacuum Society, Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffmann Travel Award, 2003

Pittsburgh-Cleveland Catalysis Society, 42nd Annual Symposium, Best Student Talk, 2004

Department of Chemistry Travel Award, 2004

Apple Fellowship, 2005

Schering-Plough Science and Innovation Award, 2006

Amir Nasajpour

Medtronics Medtech Top Entrepreneur, 2023

Biotools Innovator, 2023

Collegiate Inventors Competition Finalist and Graduate Runner-Up, 2023

UCLA MedTech DemoTech Competition Winner, 2024

iCANX Startup Award Finalist, 2024

UCLA Bruin Founders, Inaugural Class, 2024

Balakrishna Pathem

Incoming Graduate Student Award (after first year of graduate school), 2008

Michael G. Pirrello

NSF Pre-doctoral Fellowship Competition, Honorable Mention, 1991

Chris Pochas

John & Elizabeth Holmes Teas Scholarship, 2007

Yifeng Qi

UCLA Cross-Disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology, Best Talk, 2015

University of Science and Technology of China, Guomoruo Prize, 2015

Lewis E. L. Reynolds

Department of Defense Graduate Fellowship Competition, Honorable Mention, 1994

Accounts of Chemical Research Outstanding Chemistry Graduate Student Award, 1994

Hector Saavedra

Dahlian Graduate Fellowship, 2007

Apple Fellowship, 2009

Rohan Sampath

Regeneron Science Talent Search Scholar, 2024

Leonardo Scarabelli

Italian-American Cancer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, 2017–2018, 2018–2019

Jeffrey Schwartz

Rudnick-Abelmann Scholarship, 2013-2014

Andrew C. Serino

Dr. Ursula Mandel Scholarship, 2015-2016

Jun Shen

Michael E. Jung Excellence in Teaching Award

UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2023–2023

Mitchell J. Shuster

MRSEC Best Poster, 2005

Duncan Graduate Fellowship in Physics, 2006

Materials Research Institute Fellow, 2008–2009

Liane Slaughter

Seaborg Medal Symposium, Best Poster Award, 2015

Rachel K. Smith

Roberts Fellowship, 1999

Dan Waugh Teaching Award, Honorable Mention, 2000

Braucher Scholarship, 2001, 2004

American Chemical Society Analytical Chemistry Division and Society of Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh Graduate Fellowship, 2002

American Chemical Society, Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Best Poster, 2003

Charan Srinivasan

Apple Fellowship, 2007

Materials Research Society Graduate Student Award Silver Medalist, 2007

Dominik Stemer

Malcolm R. Stacey Memorial Fellowship, 2017

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Graduate Fellowship, 2019–2020

Stephan J. Stranick

Eberly College of Science Wheeler P. Davey Award, 1992

Eighth Graduate Research Exhibition, First Prize, 1993

Kenan Analytical Award, 1993

Shell Doctoral Fellowship, 1993-1994

Sigma Xi Graduate Research Award, 1993

American Physical Society Division of Chemical Physics Travel Award, 1994

B. F. Goodrich Collegiate Inventors Award, 1994

American Chemical Society Proctor and Gamble Award in Physical Chemistry, 1994

Xerox Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis in Materials Research, 1995

American Chemical Society Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education in Chemistry, 1996

Ithaca College Young Alumni Award, 1997

ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Arthur F. Findeis Award for Achievements by a Young Analytical Scientist, 2003

E. Charles H. Sykes

Materials Research Institute Post-doctoral Research Award, 2004

Hirofumi Tanaka

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Special Research Fellowship, 1998-99

RIKEN Special Research Fellowship, 1999-2002

Best Young Presenter Award from Japanese Society of Nano Science and Technology, 2006

John C. Thomas

Excellence in Chemistry Graduate Research Fellowship, 2015

Chris Thompson

Department of Chemistry, Sponsors Days Best Poster, 2008

Amit Vaish

NIH-NIST Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2011

Lauren Vuong

Ramsey Summer Fellowship, 2022

UCLA Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 2023

Roger Y. Wang

College of Engineering H. Thomas and Dorothy Willits Hallowell Scholarship, 1998

The Pennsylvania State University Presidential Freshman Award, 1998

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 2001

Evan Pugh Scholar, 2000-2001

Honors B.S. in Engineering Science & Mechanics with Highest Honors, 2001

Paul S. Weiss

MIT Undergraduate Award in Chemistry, 1980

Earl C. Anthony Fellow, 1980-1981

National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator, 1991-1996

Scanning Microscopy International Presidential Scholarship, 1994

B. F. Goodrich Collegiate Inventors Award, 1994

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, 1995-1997

American Chemical Society Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education in Chemistry, 1996

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 1997-1998

National Science Foundation Creativity Award, 1997-1999

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow, 2000

The Pennsylvania State University, Eberly College of Science Graduation, Faculty Marshal, 2002

American Physical Society, Fellow, 2002

Schreyer Honors College Excellence in Honors Teaching Award, 2004

Named Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Physics, 2005

The Pennsylvania State University, Eberly College of Science Graduation, Premedicine Faculty Marshal, 2006

University of Arizona, Eminent Scholar Lecture, 2006

University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemistry, Levine Lectures, 2007

Alpha Chi Sigma Professor Award, 2007

American Vacuum Society, Fellow, 2007

WPI-AIMR Meeting Best Poster Award, 2008

The Pennsylvania State University, Eberly College of Science Graduation, Department of Physics Faculty Marshal, 2008

The Associated of Learned and Professional Society Publishers, Best New Journal Award, Highly Commended, 2008

University of Oklahoma, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, J. Clarence Karcher Lecture, 2008

Texas A&M, Frontiers in Chemistry Lectures, 2008

Association of American Publishers, Professional Scholarly Publishing PROSE Award for 2008, Best New Journal in Science, Technology, and Medicine, 2009

IEEE, Senior Member, 2009

National Chemical Laboratory, Prof. J. W. McBain Memorial Lecture, Pune, India, 2009

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Institute of Advanced Study Distinguished Lecture, 2010

Thomas Jefferson University, William Potter Lecture, 2010

ISI Rising Star, ACS Nano (ten times: March 2010, May 2010, July 2010, September 2010, November 2010, January 2011, May 2011, July 2011, September 2011, November 2011

American Chemical Society, Fellow, 2010

Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Chemical Society, Molecular Science Forum Lecture Professorship, 2010

Chinese Chemical Society, Honorary Fellow, 2010

Gordon Research ConferencesAlexander M. Cruickshank Lecturer in the Physical Sciences, 2011

Harbin Institute of Technology, Honorary Professor, 2012

Tongji University, Advisory Professor, 2012

Nanyang Technological University, Distinguished Lecture, 2013

Naval Research Laboratory, Chemistry Division Distinguished Lecture, 2013

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Distinguished Scientist Seminar, 2013

Brown University, Institute for Molecular and Nanoscale Innovation, Distinguished Lecture, 2013

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Chemistry Molecular Science Frontier Lecture Professorship, 2013

Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Inaugural Distinguished Lecture in Nanotecnology and Medicine Seminar, 2013

University of Aukland, Distinguished Visitor, 2013

American Academy of Arts and Scienes, Fellow, 2014

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Department of Chemistry, Etter Lecturer, 2014

Nanyang Technological University, Visiting Professor, 2015-2016

Georgia Tech, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Fink Lecturer, 2015

American Chemical Society Award in Colloid and Surface Chemistry, 2015

Jilin University, Visiting Professor, 2015

Peking University, Xingda Lecturer, 2015

UC Presidential Chair, 2015-

Hope College, Department of Chemistry, Neckers Lecturer, 2016

Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Jacques Beaulieu Chair at the Centre for Energy, Materials and Telecommunications of INRS, 2016-2017

American Chemical Society, Southern California Section, Richard C. Tolman Medal, 2016

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Physical Biology Lecture, 2017

Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Honorary Professor, 2017

Xi’an Jiao Tong University, Inaugural Silk Road Academic Forum Lecture in Energy Materials and Chemical Engineering, 2017

Edward Herbert Boomer Memorial Lecture, 2017 

Energy Materials and Chemical Engineering, 2017 NANOSMAT Prize, 2018

University of Alberta, Edward Herbert Boomer Memorial Lecture, 2019

McMaster University, Les Shemilt Lectureship, 2019

Case Western Reserve University, Department of Chemistry Frontier Lecture, 2019

Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN), Distinguished Lecturer, 2019

The IEEE Nanotechnology Pioneer Award, 2019 

American Vacuum Society, Nanoscience Recognition Award, 2019

Florida Association for Nanotechnology, Honorary Fellow, 2020

ICN2: Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Manuel Cardona Lecture, 2020

International Academy of Nanotechnology, Fellow 2020

Chemical Research Society of India, Honorary Fellow, ,2020

Arizona State University, School of Molecular Science, Eyring Lectures, 2020 (delayed by COVID until 2022)

Rice University, Department of Chemistry, Franklin Memorial Lectures, 2020 (delayed until 2022), shared with Anne M. Andrews

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras – Distinguished Professor. 2021-2026

Weizmann Institute of Science, School of Chemistry, Gerhard Schmidt Lecture, 2022

Inaugural Exploration Master Class, 2022

Aggregate, special issue, 2022

City University of Hong Kong – Distinguished Visiting Professor, 2023-2024

Hamline University, 3M/Ronald A. Mitsch Lecture, 2024

National Academy of Inventors, 2024

Alexander Wissner-Gross

Intel Research Award Contest for Undergraduate Students, 2001

Intel Research Contest for Undergraduate Students, 1st Place, 2002

USA Today All-USA 1st College Academic Team, 2003

Marshall Scholar, 2003

Hertz Fellowship, 2003

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 2003

Henry Ford Scholar Award, 2003

Matthew Ye

Raymond & Dorothy Wilson Research Fellowship, 2017

Seaborg Medal Symposium, Best Poster, 2017

UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Undergraduate Research Fellowship,
            2017, 2018

ACS Division of Physical Chemistry Undergraduate Award, 2019

Summa cum Laude and Departmental Highest Honors, 2019

Tao Ye

MRSEC Best Poster, 2005

Diana Yugay

Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellowship, 2012-2013, 2015-2016

Chuanzhen Zhao

UCLA Cross-Disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology, Best Presentation, 2014

China Scholarship Council Graduate Fellowship, 2015-2020

Sigma Xi, 2017

UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Second Year Graduate Research Award, 2018

Micro- and Nanotechnologies for Medicine: Emerging Frontiers and Applications Best Poster Award, 2019

M. Ghaderi Award, UCLA-CTSI Science Translational Award, and Micromachines Award, 2019

Thomas and Ruth F. Jacobs Dissertation Award, 2020

UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2020-2021

International Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation Award for PhD Students 2020

Thomas and Ruth F. Jacobs UCLA Dissertation Award, 2020

Materials Research Society, Gold Student Award, 2020

Forbes 30 under 30 in Science, 2022

IEEE Nanotechnology Council, Inaugural Best Ph.D. Thesis Award, 2023

Yuxi Zhao

Dupont Graduate Fellowship, 2014

Chinese-American Engineers & Scientists Association of Southern California Scholarship, 2015